
Tuesday, 2 January 2018

Summer Lerning Journey - Day 4

Hitting a high note

Actitity 1

Choose any waiata of your choice and explain what you like about it.

I like the Waiata " He hōnore " because the lyrics is about honoring the land and the people, which I like. Adding on I like the tune and the length just because the tune is really nice and the length is nice and short.

Actitvty 2

Choose one game, and on your blog, tell us the (i) name of the game, (ii) the goal or purpose of the game, and (iii) two rules.

Tū Kōhatu - Taonga Tākaro 
Stack the rocks without getting injured

1.You have to have the same size rocks to bulid the tallest tower.
2.The teams have to knock each others down.