
Friday, 22 December 2017

Summer Learning Journey - Day 3

Week one - Day 3 

Imagine you are a kid from the 1800's and you have 9 siblings. Tell us how you would feel about that?

I would want to have a big family. As a yr 8 student at christ the king cathloic school, who has younger sister whos 7, I think not only will it effect my family it would affect myself especially living in a crowed house. I think living in a crowed house, means I would be more confident and social to one another. Because in the 1800's everything is completely different, I honesly dont know how else things would be especially at that time.

Actitvty 2

Ko __Owairaka domain__ te maunga    The mountain that I affiliate* to is Mt Albert.

Ko ____Walmsley papa__ te awa          The river that I affiliate to is Walmsley Park.
Ko ___Takitimu___ te waka The waka that I affiliate to is tralier.
Ko __I dont know__ tōku tīpuna My founding ancestor is
Ko ____Tamaki makaurau____ tōku iwi          My tribe is Auckland.
Ko ____Puketapapa____ tōku hapu My sub-tribe is Mt roskill.
Ko ____I dont have one_____ tōku marae My marae is
Ko ______Aotearoa__________ ahau I am from New Zealand
Ko_Lisa_ rāua ko _rawiri_ōku mātua  My parents are lisa and david Ko__Karla__ tōku ingoa. My name is Karla

Thursday, 21 December 2017

Summer Learning Journey - Day 2

Week one - Day 2 

Compare the wharepuni to your own home!


* Both are desgined for shelter
* Both similar struchtures


* A wharepuni is made out of timber, ferns, rushes and bark
* A house is made out of wood, steel, plaster, bricks etc.

Actitvty 2

Draw a photo and imagine what you want to be when your older!


Summer learning Jornney - Day 1

Week one - In the Beginning (1800-1870)

List 3 facts that you have learnt in this story about Maui?

1. At the begining of the story, Maui has been also dreaming about going fishing with his brothers.

2. In the Story Maui would get angry everytime he askes his brothers if he can go fishing with them. 

3. Now Maui is known to be the north island of new zealand while the south island is Maui's canoe

Any other storys I know about Maui?

1. Maui and the sun

Activity 2

Write a short letter to a friend telling them about your voyage to New Zealand.

Dear friend,

I am writing a letter to tell you to explain my experience setting sail in a waka to reach to new zealand. I feel really sad that I have to move countrys only because I am missing my original home due to all the memories I have made there.
Hopefully I see you soon

From your friend, Karla


Monday, 18 December 2017

Summer Learning Journey

The Summer Learning Journey is a programme that I have participated in for the holiday Summer. I will be posting frequently so be on the look out for some recent posts!

Thursday, 7 December 2017

Monday, 21 August 2017

Stardome project

Facts about space:
1.People thought that pluto was a planet but it’s just a dwarf planet.
2.The gas planets are uranus and jupiter.
3.It takes 30 days for the earth to move around the sun.
4.109 earths can fit in jupiter.

Dwarf planets
Gas planets

How big is the sun?
695,700 km

Is there any planet that is the same size as earth?


We had to make a doc and write about our trip that we went on,.We had 30 mins to finish this project.

We needed to have..
10 words that have something to do with space
4 facts about what you leant there and...
Write questions that you asked before the trip that you learnt after the trip.


Tuesday, 11 April 2017

What's in my head Art

For the past 2 weeks we have been working on a art called "What's in my head".We thought about what goes through our head, and this is what I ended up drawing.